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Welcome to the Natural Cellular Defense by Waiora Blog

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Stage 4 Lung Cancer Remission Testimonial


On Oct. 14, I was diagnosed with Malignant Mesothelioma* lung cancer caused
from Asbestos in the lung. I had it in both lungs so surgery was not an option
for treatment and this type of cancer doesn’t respond to Chemo or Radiation
treatment. I was told I was in the 4th stage and when I asked the Doctor how
many stages there were he told me there were four. That’s basically a death
sentence for me.

After all testing was completed, CT scan, Lab work, Tissue biopsy, and a PET
scan, I was told by the Oncologist that there was nothing he could do for me
and he referred me back to my Medical doctor for the final care.

On Oct. 31, I started taking “Natural Cellular Defense” 15 drops
3 times a day. The second day of my taking NCD I started to have different sensations
in the tumor on my back that was protruding though the chest wall. Sensations
like a numbness, to jelly-like when I walked, to bee stings and painful, to
a stretching feeling at the tumor, each day it was a different feeling.

After two weeks on the NCD a tumor in my upper abdomen which was about the
size of a ping-pong ball was now the size of a marble. In the third week of
NCD that tumor could not be found and the tumor on my back was almost gone.
At the time of my appointment with the Oncologist the tumor mass on my back
could not be found.

On Dec. 7, I had a follow up CT scan done and it confirmed that the two tumors
were gone. Some were smaller in the lung and one was slightly bigger.

I have increased my times I take the NCD to every 4 hours, 24 hours a day.
The new tumors leave the body first, the older more established tumors go last.
It is imperative that the blood circulation be increased so that the NCD can
reach all the tumor cells. I am vigorously exercising more and more to accomplish

Larry Benjamin, Jemison, Alabama, Dec. 2005


This product, called Natural Cellular Defense (NCD), is available at NatuRAW WAIORA NCD PURCHASE PAGE. Also, like most useful and unusual products, NCD has now become distributed by network marketing and can be obtained in a significantly less expensive way if you sign up to be a distributor and distribute it to your family and friends. This is something that everyone on the planet needs to have. To do this, go to: Steve Adler's WAIORA NCD PURCHASE and/or SIGN UP PAGE

Natural Cellular Defense is different from supplements that generally add to your well-being, but are not necessary. Natural Cellular Defense is simple, elegant, extraordinary, and necessary for maintaining healthy living in today's modern toxic world. For more information on the product, its history, and its scientific basis, there is an excellent 24/7 recorded call you can listen to at any time at: (973) 854-4665, Option 1.

You can purchase this product wholesale by becoming a distributor through Steve Adle's Waiora International NCD website or at retail via the NatuRAW store at: (415)456-1719. The cost, by becoming a distributor, will obviously become less expensive, and will also allow you more ability to share it with family and friends. It is a way of sharing a very specific level of good news.

For further information, questions, or assistance on becoming a distributor, you are welcome to email Steve Adler's friend: Jason D. Groode of Pacific Rim Marketing at:
and/or Bob Schmidt at: If you prefer, call them at (888) 314-7982 and leave a message. They will return your call as soon as possible.


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