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Welcome to the Natural Cellular Defense by Waiora Blog

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Cervical Cancer -- Keiko, age 72

At the end of Oct 2004 (11 months ago) Keiko was diagnosed in Japan with class
3 cervical cancer. At the recommendation of her doctors she underwent 28 rounds
of radiation therapy. At the end of those treatments her doctors told her they
had eradicated the cancer in her cervix. Keiko's daughter, Felice, had
a recommendation from her doctors here in Hawaii that Keiko should really have
a PET scan in Japan to check and make sure it hadn’t spread anywhere else.
It had indeed metastasized to every lymph node in her body.

Felice brought her mom to Hawaii in June of this year and the oncologists
here said this was an extremely aggressive form of cancer. A CAT scan showed
two more spots (on her lung and on her stomach) in addition to everything else.
They would try 8 rounds of chemo therapy to put off what seemed imminent –
but the prognosis was grim, they didn’t expect her to live even a year.

By the 5th round of chemo therapy Keiko was so sick (nausea, vomiting and
diarrhea) they decided to stop – that was three weeks ago. Instead they
kept praying and kept using the natural supplements.

5 weeks ago a friend told Felice and her mom about NCD. Keiko took it for
a week before she had to stop to accommodate the 5th round of her chemo schedule.
This time she got so sick from the chemo she and her daughter decided to stop
the treatment right in the middle of the round (3 weeks ago) and they continued
with the NCD 15 drops 3X day starting the next day.

Three weeks later (Monday this week) Keiko had a follow up contrast dye CAT
scan: When they walked in to her doctor's office, he asked how she was feeling
and what she'd been eating, and had a sort of perplexed look on his face. They
didn’t know what to expect, but hoped and prayed there would be some positive
news. Keiko didn’t just have a report that was good, it was beyond all
expectations -- the doctor told Keiko and Felice there was not one single sign
of cancer anywhere in her body. Not in any of the lymph nodes, not on her lung
or stomach. Stunned, Keiko's daughter even asked the Doc, "Are you sure?
Who actually read the CAT scan?" and he reassured her it was definitely
the expert, the radiologist, not just him! He was amazed too and said that less
than 20% of his patients ever have such a thing happen, that even if there was
great improvement they usually see some residual cancer still in the body but
there was nothing here. Nothing. And the nurses were crying with emotion when
they spoke with Felice and Keiko. As you might expect, he asked her what she
was doing. Felice told him and the nurses to check out the Waiora website!

Keiko will have another CAT scan in three months to confirm she is truly out
of the woods and meantime she will be taking her NCD every day!


This product, called Natural Cellular Defense (NCD), is available at NatuRAW WAIORA NCD PURCHASE PAGE. Also, like most useful and unusual products, NCD has now become distributed by network marketing and can be obtained in a significantly less expensive way if you sign up to be a distributor and distribute it to your family and friends. This is something that everyone on the planet needs to have. To do this, go to: Steve Adler's WAIORA NCD PURCHASE and/or SIGN UP PAGE

Natural Cellular Defense is different from supplements that generally add to your well-being, but are not necessary. Natural Cellular Defense is simple, elegant, extraordinary, and necessary for maintaining healthy living in today's modern toxic world. For more information on the product, its history, and its scientific basis, there is an excellent 24/7 recorded call you can listen to at any time at: (973) 854-4665, Option 1.

You can purchase this product wholesale by becoming a distributor through Steve Adle's Waiora International NCD website or at retail via the NatuRAW store at: (415)456-1719. The cost, by becoming a distributor, will obviously become less expensive, and will also allow you more ability to share it with family and friends. It is a way of sharing a very specific level of good news.

For further information, questions, or assistance on becoming a distributor, you are welcome to email Steve Adler's friend: Jason D. Groode of Pacific Rim Marketing at:
and/or Bob Schmidt at: If you prefer, call them at (888) 314-7982 and leave a message. They will return your call as soon as possible.


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