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Welcome to the Natural Cellular Defense by Waiora Blog

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Benefits of Becoming A Distributor of NCD

Natural Cellular Defense (NCD) seems to be living up to its name in an extraordinary
way. Each week more information is revealed. Anecdotal reports of cancer healing
in 2-4 weeks keep occurring.

Additionally several reports suggest that zeolite¹s outer coat absorbs
glucose and has dropped blood sugar by as much as 50 points in 1 hour in cases
of serious diabetes.

As the research unfolds for preparing women for pregnancy by removing the 14
major toxins in breast milk, the initial results seem more than extraordinary.
The average woman, whether she has been vegan for 15 years or on live foods
for 6 years, tests positive for 12-14 toxins in her liver, breast, and brain.
After one week on our 10-day detoxification program while taking 15 drops 4
times a day of NCD, the average decrease in toxins was to 0 to 2 toxins in the
liver, breast, and brain with no detoxification symptoms. One person, who did
not take the NCD, had a reduction of only one toxin in the liver, breast, and
brain. So far 5 people, which is 100% of those tested with the synergy of our
10-day detoxification & NCD, have gone from 12-14 toxins to 0-2 toxins after
only one week.

NCD deserves your attention. Enclosed is a summary of the product and how to
order it in the most cost effective way.

I feel it is imperative for us to be aware of the importance of Natural Cellular
Defense in our daily health regimen. This is not a short-term supplement, but
rather a life-long health remedy. While we continue to live in a toxic environment,
we will always need to use this product. Therefore I suggest that you do not
purchase it at the retail price, either through our online store or through our Waiora International website (see below). It is for your
economic advantage to purchase the product on a wholesale basis, which you can
do by enrolling as a distributor. There are two benefits to being a distributor,
one being the ability to purchase Natural Cellular Defense on a wholesale basis,
which is approximately $12.00 - $15.00 less per bottle than the retail cost;
the other benefit is using NCD as an income earning possibility, working together
with our NatuRAW organization in sharing this very special and beneficial
product with our friends, family, and associates.


This product, called Natural Cellular Defense (NCD), is available at NatuRAW WAIORA NCD PURCHASE PAGE. Also, like most useful and unusual products, NCD has now become distributed by network marketing and can be obtained in a significantly less expensive way if you sign up to be a distributor and distribute it to your family and friends. This is something that everyone on the planet needs to have. To do this, go to: Steve Adler's WAIORA NCD PURCHASE and/or SIGN UP PAGE

Natural Cellular Defense is different from supplements that generally add to your well-being, but are not necessary. Natural Cellular Defense is simple, elegant, extraordinary, and necessary for maintaining healthy living in today's modern toxic world. For more information on the product, its history, and its scientific basis, there is an excellent 24/7 recorded call you can listen to at any time at: (973) 854-4665, Option 1.

You can purchase this product wholesale by becoming a distributor through Steve Adle's Waiora International NCD website or at retail via the NatuRAW store at: (415)456-1719. The cost, by becoming a distributor, will obviously become less expensive, and will also allow you more ability to share it with family and friends. It is a way of sharing a very specific level of good news.

For further information, questions, or assistance on becoming a distributor, you are welcome to email Steve Adler's friend: Jason D. Groode of Pacific Rim Marketing at:
and/or Bob Schmidt at: If you prefer, call them at (888) 314-7982 and leave a message. They will return your call as soon as possible.


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