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Welcome to the Natural Cellular Defense by Waiora Blog

Tuesday, January 17, 2006


60 + people at first meeting with VP

Pretty good meeting. Excellent testimonials.


**An elderly lady stood up and the doctors tell her that bone density should

be dropping at her age and never increasing. Two weeks on the product her

bone density goes up 1% doctor confirms.

**Another person with emphysema, and on oxygen treatments, in 8 days is now

OFF the oxygen treatments!

**Another older man, kidney papillary type II cancer--an aggressive cancer,

MD anderson here in Houston says, "we can't do anything for that type of

cancer", his lymph nodes were growing big time. They were going to give

Chemo anyhow, he is on the product 3 weeks prior to his next check up.

Doctor wouldn't admit it, but his lymph nodes were down so low that they

couldn't even measure their size on the computer machine. MOst of the lymph

nodes were HALF the size they were three weeks prior! Lymph stable, no more

cancer. POWERFUL! 3 weeks on NCD and the nodes have


COST OF NCD: $193 a month for 4 bottles. COST OF HIS CHEMO: $110/day or

$3,300 per month! They did a scan on this gentleman and 3 weeks did it "assumes that there is no more cancer" according to the

Doctor said he couldn't promote the product at MD anderson.

(of course!!)

Some industry FACTS:

400 billion per year spent on wellness

100 billion per year on anti-aging

by 2012 more people over 50 than will be under 50 yrs. old.

11,000 people turn 50 each day in a 300 million person country.

(we are in a company that targets those that turn 50!!)

We are a profitable company with NO DEBT

In January this month two folks will be over $50,000 per month in income.

Some guy in Hawaii

recruited 84 people in December (and I thought I was good!). Wow!

KEY WORDS/sentences you can use TO PRESENT NCD:

"They micronized the zeolite so

++++++it gets into the blood stream/tissues and has a negative charge,

tunnels and channels, it TRAPS environmental pollutants and viral


and is balanced by the exchangeable cations of calcium, magnesium and


+++++++Shown to remove heavy metals, toxins and Chemical irritants+++++++


we, as a country put 4 billion pounds of chemicals into the ground yearly

as a country we put 260 million pounds of chemicals into our waters yearly

as a country we displace 2 billion pounds of air emissions

as a country we put 2.5 billion pounds of chemicals into crop lands, forest

and waters.

Cancer surpassed heart disease as the number one killer in the usa for

people under 85. according to MD anderson cancer center "2/3'rd's of all

cancers are preventable".

WE TAKE ON 124 pounds of FOOD ADDITIVES per year and another thousand more


According to the Mount SINAI school of medicine the AVERAGE person in NY had

an average of 91 industrial chemicals, pollutants, pesticides and other

chemicals in the blood and urine tests of

volunteers. YIKES!!

There are 300 drops in each bottle NCD (and some have tested this!). take 3

drops 3 X's per day. ++++it is 100% natural liquid detoxification (a good

way to say what it others).

15 drops every 4 hours will put the maximum needed in the body that is why

SICK people will want 15 drops four times a day~ and they must drink tons of


NCD is in GRAS STATUS--generally recognized as safe (by the FDA)

WAIORA owns the global patent for NCD.

WAIORA is a polynesian word that represents "health and longevity".

One of the EMERALD's at the meeting who introduced Eddie the VP stated (as

have been saying the same thing as well in my 21 years..) that "this is

best product I have ever sold in network marketing" (he is about 15 to

years older than I am and he was saying this to everyone.

In XANOG the first FULL year of meetings produced 16-23 people. Our first

meeting for WAIORA was over 60 people ~~!!!

Houston seems to be responding very GOOD to NCD and the results. Lots of

TOXINS in houston and sick people~! MD anderson is right here in our back



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