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Tuesday, January 17, 2006

NCD Testimonials

From: Linda K Bryant

Sent: Saturday, July 30, 2005 12:00 AM

Subject: NCD

Hello Stan & Eddie,

I just wanted to thank you for bring the Natural Cellular Defense to the market.
I was given a sample bottle after the Conference in Las Vegas and started using
it immediately.

I have suffered from Shingles on and off for the last 33 years. About a month
before the conference in Vegas I had a very painful and severe out break, I
started taking the drops as recommended, three drops, three times a day. After
doing this for three days all the symptoms that I was suffering from disappeared!!!
I am so excited about the Natural Cellular Defense product, I can't wait to
receive my shipment and start using it regularly.

THANK YOU AGAIN, I am so proud to be a part of Waiora.

Linda Bryant

From: Bob Hood

Sent: Friday, July 29, 2005 2:00 PM

Subject: Results from NCD on esophageal reflux

Hi Stan - I received a sample bottle of the Natural Cellular Defense at the
beginning of July and have been "rationing" it by taking only 3 drops
once a day vs the recommended 3 times a day until the product begins shipping
in August.

I suffer from esophageal reflux (a pouch in the esophagus that can collect
food). In reading the Zeolite White Paper and noticing that zeolite has been
effective in reducing gastric reflux - it dawned on me that I have not been
having the frequency of reflux issues!

I cannot wait to get my product next week so I can begin taking the recommended
dosage. Based on the results to far, I am convinced it will virtually eliminate
my reflux issues. Thanks for bringing such a product to market.

Bob Hood

From: Ron Weitz

Sent: Tuesday, September 06, 2005 5:48 PM

Hi Everyone,

Last January (2005) my father-in-law had another surgery for bladder cancer.
In this, and the previous surgeries, tumors were found and treated. Since last
January he has worn a catheter bag to collect his urine.

A few months ago his catheter bag began to have blood in it. He continued to
pass more and more blood, accompanied by a foul odor.

After testing his urine and blood, his doctor told him the cancer was back.
The doctor explained that radiation treatments would likely follow the surgery,
and maybe chemotherapy after that. Surgery was scheduled for Friday Sept. 2nd.

On Saturday Aug. 20th we got some "NATURAL CELLULAR DEFENSE" to him.

In FOUR DAYS the bleeding STOPPED and the catheter bag remained clear of any

After a week on NCD, he woke one morning and his catheter bag was full of a
sticky ugly gunk, and had a terrible odor. The catheter bags and tubes could
not be cleaned, and had to be discarded and replaced.

From that point on there has been NO blood or odor in his catheter bag.

Friday, September 2nd, Carl underwent surgery. His doctor was surprised to find
NO Tumors in his bladder! He said he was just sure there would be tumors there.
Carl has also experienced an increase in energy since taking the "NATURAL


From: KSNJ Riedel

Sent: Sunday, September 25, 2005 11:20 AM

Subject: NCD testimonial

I have a cousin, Dan, who 25 years ago was in a coma for a month. During that
time he was given large quantities of antibiotics. Consequently, he developed
a yeast infection. Over the years he has tried numerous medications and diet
changes but, nothing has helped. I just recently found out about the yeast infection
and sent him a bottle of Natural Cellular Defense with the instructions to try
it and see what happens. After four days he called and said he was seeing an
improvement and felt better than he has in years. Each day he is getting better.
He loves this stuff and this is what he says about it:

"Natural Cellular Defense has gotten me on the path to recovery with this
yeast infection because nothing else has worked. I feel better already after
four days on NCD. I am using nothing else, so I know it is NCD that is helping
me. Thank you Waiora!" Dan Borst

Kris & Shawn Riedel

From: Lynn Harrisberger

Sent: Tuesday, September 06, 2005 9:26 AM

Subject: Another Great NCD Testimonial

On August 15th I shared the information on NCD (Natural Cellular Defense) with
my dad. I knew he would want to give NCD to his wife, Delora, who went through
a bout of Breast Cancer last year, 2004. Delora had one breast removed during
her bout with cancer. She also went thru Radiation and Chemotherapy. Before
the Cancer and now afterwards, her main health problem has been and still is
Emphysema. Her constant companion has been an oxygen canister which she carries
with her everywhere she goes.

After only 4 days of taking 6 to 9 NCD drops 3 x daily...Delora has been able
to move around (walk) more and become a bit more active than before....and even
leave the Oxygen bottle behind while she is doing so. She is excited about the
improvement and looks forward to even better days now. Their shipment of 16
bottles of NCD will be arriving this week. Delora has a daughter who has Lupus.
She plans to give her a few bottles to see if she shows an improvement.

Craig O.


My son Camron has been diagnosed as autistic since he was two year old and had
stopped talking at that time. Camron is now 6 years old and he is an affectionate,
smart, playful boy. However, he continued to have problems communicating, and
overall interacting with others. The school has been working with him and we
had made some progress. Camron had difficulty sitting for long periods of time
as well. He had also had stomach problems where he would not eat or become constipated
often. It is common in some autistic children to get a condition called leaky
gut and although we never had him diagnosed for this, Camron was displaying
some symptoms by having various stomach issues.

We were introduced to NCD through a friend and business associate, Don Groth.
I immediately thought of Camron because we knew that autism could be caused
by metals or toxins in the body and since we believed this to be the case with
Camron we decided to try it not just for ourselves but for Camron. Since taking
the NCD,( we started Camron on 6 drops 3 times a day), we have been told that
Camron can sit for 45 minutes to do class work, is talking more and interacting
more with others. He will repeat words back which is building up his vocabulary.
I can hardly keep up with the things he says now because he is observing and
imitating the things he sees others do. As soon as he started taking the NCD,
his eating habits automatically improved.

Camron has been known to be a pretty good eater so when he would not eat much
or not at all on a particular day, we knew that something was wrong. Before
he would not really eat as much and even skip lunch at school sometimes. With
the NCD he has a healthy appetite again and no more stomach pains or problems.
We are so grateful to have been introduced to NCD. Not only did Camron not have
any bad reaction to it, it is odorless and tasteless so we would put it in any
drink or food without Camron knowing. This worked out perfectly because Camron
is very sensitive to certain food texture and will not eat or drink anything
that tastes "fully" to him. We really enjoy the product and will continue
to use it for the overall health of Camron and our family.

Thank you Don and the Waiora Team,

Chester & Christine Green, November 16, 2005



A funny thing has happened to me. My immune system has been extremely weak the
last couple of years. After age 65 It seemed I was getting my share and every
one else's share of colds and sore throats. When I noticed that National Cellular
Defense supported a healthy immune system I immediately starting taking it as
directed. Over the last three months of rain and unusual coldness in the Pacific
Northwest I have not come down with any cold or flu like symptom, even though
I have been in close contact with friends and grandchildren who had bad colds,
flu and upper respiratory problems. When I start feeling that something is trying
to grab me, I immediately drop three drops of NCD on my tongue, hold for 10
seconds or more and swallow. And when I swallow my throat seems to immediately
react favorably to the drops. Although I take NCD three times a day, as suggested,
I sense that the bedtime dosage and early morning dosage is most effective for
me. As you know, I am quite skeptical by nature, but this stuff is all it's
cracked up to be.....

A Believer.....Bob Dilworth November 11, 2005



A very close friend, Michelle, 33 from Los Angeles, has been suffering from
what is now been diagnosed as Fibromyalgia. Her symptoms were and are, joint
pain in various places, fatigue, exhaustion, and depression. She has tried everything
to get better. Massages, herbs, acupressure, acupuncture, glucosamine. Nothing
worked for her.

I finally got her to try NCD. She started taking it a little bit each day,
but not the recommended dosage. And she again had no relief of symptoms. I begged
her to give it the proper dosage. So she started on 15 drops, 3x a day. That
was about 2 1/2 weeks ago.

After the first week she started to feel ok, but had a bit of a red, flush
feeling. I told her to stick with it. Within one week, she started to feel great.
Then she ran out of the NCD, and noticed immediately that her symptoms returned.
She called me frantically on 11/7 to overnight her more NCD.

We got it to her within 2 days, and she was thrilled. It's about 8 days later,
and she no longer has any joint pain, and can't remember the last time she felt
this good.

John Haremsa ?, November 21, 2005



I have been taking Waiora Healthy Aging Formula and the Natural Cellular Defense
now for about Four weeks. As you know I was in a terrible accident where a loaded
semi truck rear-ended me from behind at they say about 50 miles per hour as
I was stopped and signaling to make a left turn, I was rushed to the emergency
room at Baldwin Medical Center by ambulance in Baldwin, WI about 6 years ago.

I had a broken lower back and a broken neck but it did not sever my spinal
cord, I also had a cracked right knee. For four months they tried just therapy,
and after I collapsed twice during therapy, they did a spinal gram they found
the lower back had been splintered from my tailbone to my #4 lumber. First the
specialist Dr. Butterman did a complete lumbar surgery, he fused all my lower
lumbar to my #4 lumber. This was a 13 hour surgery where they open you up first
in the front and take out your stomach to get at the front of your spine, then
they put in the bolts and hardware, put your stomach back in and turn you over
and open you up in the back and finish bolting you together after taking out
the tissue between each lower lumbar of the spine. I then was placed in a plastic
cast type thing that did not allow me to move that area at all. After about
a year and 6 months Dr. Butterman said that was solid enough to now go ahead
and repair my upper cervical 3,4,5 in the neck, with another fushion, this was
not as painful but it had left me with restricted movement in my neck and I
was not allowed to drive. When that was healed solid enough, they went and did
a total knee replacement of my right knee. The doctors told me I would never
work again and would have to lead a very docile life. As you know, "docile,"
is not my style. During this time of recovery my wife filed for divorce and
left me with her percentage of the court awarded some the court allowed me.
She was ashamed of having a so-called cripple for a husband!

I did extra excercise during this past summer in the heat to regain the use
of my knee to the point of complete exhaustion; I was then hospitalized in the
intensive care unit at the Amery Medical Center 5 days were fliuds were put
into my veins to keep me from death. Now I was a wreck and the doctors told
me I had to realize I was not 35 years old but over sixty and had to lead this
docile life style. That is when I tried extra vitamins and many other supplements
to help my back pain. I could not get thru the day without about 6-8 powerful
pain pills a day and could not work for more than an hour. I was not able to
sleep more than two hours at a time even with 2 sleeping pills.

Then you introduced me to Waiora Natural Cellular Defense and their Healthy
Aging Formula. As you said, put 2 drops on my tongue morning and night of Cellular
Defense and 2 tablets of Healthy Aging Formula with breakfast and 2 at evening
meal. I began to feel the difference in my body after about two weeks, I could
sleep longer, did not have as much pain and could work about 4-5 hours before
becoming tired.

I will never be remade to the age of 35 again but now as I can sleep and have
2-3 times the energy. I believe I can live with this. After my exam last week,
my personal physician, Dr Rimstad has lifted my 2 mile limit a trip one way
to a 100 and maybe after the next exam it will be unlimited. He has asked me
if I had found "The Fountain of Youth" and I said "Maybe Doc"
I will tell you my secret at my next exam.

P.S. I had lost all my desire for romance but now with the loss of pain and
the extra stamina, I think I could hold my own with any 40 year old female,
my ex-wife cannot believe it is the same guy that was in bed near death in July,

Too Bad for Her!

Art Groth, November 17, 2005


I'd like to share with you about what I believe is the most important supplement
we could take--NATURAL CELLULAR DEFENSE, made of a non toxic mineral called
zeolite. You put a few drops on your tongue and it chelates out heavy metals
& other toxins easily by capturing them in it's honey-comb like structure.
It also captures virus fragments and disables them from replicating. It's patented
as an anti-cancer agent and, according to the patent "has a 100% kill rate
within 72 hours against... epithelial cell cancers." See
or go to: and do a patent number search for 6,288,045 to read
the patent.

This batch of testimonials about Natural Cellular Defense includes first person
experiences with kidney stones, skin problems, lesions, rashes, an eye problem
which often requires surgery called pturgium, various kinds of pain and injuries,
autism, gastric reflux, animal melanomas and vaccination poisoning and a few
other things.

Those of us who understand how the body works can work at figure out why these
different things are happening--alkalizing and detoxing the body allows it to
heal itself in the most marvelous ways. I hope you are inspired and will share
these with others who may be helped and inspired.

Natural Cellular Defense doesn't cure anything. it helps to cleanse the body
of heavy metals and other toxins better than anything else we know of. My 83
year old mother, who could never detox without a headache before, is doing so
now as she takes the Natural Ceullular Defense.

The zeolite that comprises Natural Cellular Defense has a US patent, which
you can read yourself. Go to: and do a patent number search for

The patent is for "Epithelial Cancer Cell Drug". it's the same substance,
but it's a non-toxic mineral, so it came to us, the people, instead of going
to the drug companies. Read the story on the Waiora website, or ask me about
it. This is a great blessing for many beings.

I call this zeolite the "mother molecule". She seems to have a life
of her own, as does mother earth, from whence she comes.

I welcome your call or email for questions, feedback, or to order product for
yourself and your loved ones.

With love, Karuna


Nov. 29 Natural Cellular Defense Testimonials


i think i may have stumbled on to a new use for natural cellular
you may know i practice geriatrics and internal medicine...i recommend NCD to
patients who are going to travel or are exposed to closed groups of people
teachers or patients visiting family for the holidays...i have a patient who
flies on commercial airlines frequently and he has had a number of upper respiratory
infections this year from this type of exposure....

i told him to go on NCD to see if we could prevent this....he also has had
multiple episodes of kidney stones over the last 20 years...he has had to have
lithotripsy {crushing of stone by sound waves } and ureterocystoscopies { going
through the bladder up the tube to the kidney to remove a stone} he was told
by his urologist that he had a stone wedged in the lower part of the kidney
and he had cat scans and studies to prove this and to locate the stone...he
was scheduled to have the stone removed but he set this up a couple weeks after
starting the NCD....on the morning of surgery the urologist got an x-ray to
confirm that the stone was still in the same place and guess what was

now this patient has passed stones before and he knows it is like trying to
pass a piece of broken glass so he is sure that he did not pass this stone intact...on
a scientific basis this seems to make sense to me because we know the NCD picks
up positively charged particles and kidney stones are usually made up of debris
wrapped in minerals {70 % have calcium in them that is why you can see most
on x ray}

if this turns out to be a new use for NCD i can't even express what a medical
find this would be..for most people the only way to prevent kidney stones is
to avoid calcium in their diet and that is not a good idea for bone strength...
also i know that kidney stones and infections are a common problem in small
dogs and especially in cats...i obviously will be using NCD on any of my kidney
stone patients ...especially since there is no down side since it is 100% non
toxic and safe...i'll keep you posted on my patients progress and hope others
in the waiora family find this information helpful.....

stephen aiello, m.d.


I have been suffering from never healing lesions on both my legs for the past
so many years. Worst of all, I could be very uncomfortable because I was also
bothered with a never ending itchiness on my legs. On top of that, I can not
wear many of my favorite watches (I love to collect and wear different watches.)
because they leave me with skin eruptions and itchiness on my wrist.

I have received different prescriptions from different doctors I have approached
about these skin problem. I was told that I have poor blood circulation as a

I took the NCD as soon as it was available. AND I saw a dramatic change with
my skin problems just after a week of using the NCD. I noticed that the lesions
on both my legs started to dry up, itchiness is gone, and I can now use the
different watches I want to wear with no wrist skin eruptions.

I don't think I will ever stop to take my daily dose of NCD. Even the scars
on my legs are lightening up that I could probably be able to wear shorts now.
Thank you Waiora for introducing NCD, my skin problems are now things of the

ROMY SALAZAR 11/28/2005


(Pterygium: Triangular thickening of the bulbar conjunctiva extending from
the inner canthus to the border of the cornea with the apex toward the pupil.)

I had a pturgium on my eye. It's where the white of the eye starts growing
over the cornia. It's from too much sun, dry air, wind. I diluted the NCD and
put it around the edge of my eye. After just 2 times, I don't feel it. My eyes
are brighter and less red. I have a whole new feeling of vibrancy.

I feel less depressed. I can eat food that would normally crash me.

Elana Wave, Lake Tahoe, NV


My pain in my shoulder was so great that I had to take novicaine injections.
Until one night, I had my daughter put about 10 drops on my shoulder and rub
it in. My pain was totally gone within seconds!

Sincerely, G. S. Harpell, Oregon


Alara's son Wyatt, 4 years old was crying with "growing pains" in
his leg. He hurt so bad he couldn't talk to his dad on the phone. Alara rubbed
a few drops of NCD of his leg, he stopped crying, and said, "thank you
mommy." He got up and was just fine.

Alara Ralie, Estacada, OR


I've been struck by lightening 3 times, the first time was at age 16. there
were no horrible after effects. It came through the window and knocked me out.

The second time I picked up the phone, and a ball of lightening came out of
the phone right at my left ear. It was the size of a soccer ball. It went right
through my body, and went through my cat who was sitting on my right side.

I had horrible pain burning through my whole body. It damaged everything--my
eyes, my brain. I was dysfunctional.

The third time I was struck, I was going into church in Florida. I had my hand
on a metal door and the church was struck. It was like I was glued to the metal
door handle, and I knew I was struck.

My right hand hurt with a burning pain inside after that. It kept getting worse.
I couldn't turn my keys in the car. That was 2 years ago. It still feels goofey
but I can move it. It seems like I can stretch my hand more than I could before,
since taking the NCD.

I developed on my foot a 2 inch circular rash with a white bull's eye in the
center. When I first saw this on my foot, 2 years ago Feb., I thought it was
ring worm. Two doctors looked at it but dismissed it.

In Sept. my son in Michigan told me to look it up, and clearly it's Lyme's

Cleveland Clinic here in Naples took a blood test, which came up negative.
A study showed that 75% of blood tests show a false negative. The organism can

For the last 6 months, I have ached to get up, ached to sit down, and ached
to walk. Some days, in my back, from the waist down the pain was excruciating.
My friends heard me moan every time I took a step.

My friend Keri was here when I took the NCD for the first time. I took 15 drops.
I got up and walked about half an hour later without pain. It was a transformation
like I've never seen. That was November 6.

I've been taking 15 drops 3 times a day since then. Sometimes I have no pain,
sometimes I have maybe 5% of the pain I did have. I have a lot more mental clarity.
I'm getting a lot of things accomplished I haven't been able to do for a long
time. My family is in shock.

I had about 10 years of suffering with slow speech. People would laugh at me
when I tried to speak and things wouldn't come out right. That's depressing
when you're used to being very capable. The slow speech after the lightning
got somewhat improved over the years but I would have to think of every word
I was going to say and people could still notice until NCD and friends noticed
the difference right away...I just talked better.

I was hit with a million volts of electricity into my brain. Now my mental
clarity and the flow of my speech is 100% better.

I couldn't read for years. One year I got 3 pairs of glasses, and I still couldn't
read. I would get sick to my stomach, and I couldn't absorb or comprehend what
I was trying to read.

A neurologist-chiropractor, who teaches neurology came to my house. She ran
tests on me, and said I coudn't see, because my left eye that was hit by lightening
was going up and down while my right eye was going left to right.

Because of knowing this, I found 2 products that helped me see better. I could
read, and absorb what I was reading.

But once I started on the NCD my brain started functioning better. I gained
energy and coordination, physically and mentally, and my eyes cleared up a lot
more. I can read now, and I can see well.

I have had more energy and have been able to follow through and my life is
more fulfilling. My whole system is doing 100 times better.

The lightening damage caused my esophagus to spasm and close like a ribbon
was tied around it. I almost died once when the food wouldn't go down or up.
Three times under anesthesia I had it opened up and stretched.

It been 100% better since NCD. The NCD is also helping the gastric reflux.
Now I can eat at restaurants.

Delores D, Naples, FL Nov. 22, 2005

PS. It's been exactly 3 weeks that I've been on the drops. For 2 or 3 years
I had a hard area on my left breast (the side where the lightening hit) from
the center of my chest to the nipple, about 4 inches long and 2 finger widths
wide. As part of my last physical I had a mammogram. They said everything was
fine. Yesterday morning I got up and the hard area is gone. My whole breast
is soft like the other one. I have no idea what that was. It's a miracle to


I have been taking Waiora Healthy Aging Formula and the Natural Cellular Defense
now for about Four weeks. As you know I was in a terrible accident where a loaded
semi truck rear-ended me from behind at they say about 50 miles per hour as
I was stopped and signaling to make a left turn, I was rushed to the emergency
room at Baldwin Medical Center by ambulance in Baldwin, WI about 6 years ago.

I had a broken lower back and a broken neck but it did not sever my spinal
cord, I also had a cracked right knee. For four months they tried just therapy,
and after I collapsed twice during therapy, they did a spinal gram they found
the lower back had been splintered from my tailbone to my #4 lumber. First the
specialist Dr. Butterman did a complete lumbar surgery, he fused all my lower
lumbar to my #4 lumber. This was a 13 hour surgery where they open you up first
in the front and take out your stomach to get at the front of your spine, then
they put in the bolts and hardware, put your stomach back in and turn you over
and open you up in the back and finish bolting you together after taking out
the tissue between each lower lumbar of the spine. I then was placed in a plastic
cast type thing that did not allow me to move that area at all.

After about a year and 6 months Dr. Butterman said that was solid enough to
now go ahead and repair my upper cervical 3,4,5 in the neck, with another fushion,
this was not as painful but it had left me with restricted movement in my neck
and I was not allowed to drive. When that was healed solid enough, they went
and did a total knee replacement of my right knee. The doctors told me I would
never work again and would have to lead a very docile life. As you know, "docile,"
is not my style. During this time of recovery my wife filed for divorce and
left me with her percentage of the court awarded some the court allowed me.
She was ashamed of having a so-called cripple for a husband!

I did extra excercise during this past summer in the heat to regain the use
of my knee to the point of complete exhaustion; I was then hospitalized in the
intensive care unit at the Amery Medical Center 5 days were fliuds were put
into my veins to keep me from death. Now I was a wreck and the doctors told
me I had to realize I was not 35 years old but over sixty and had to lead this
docile life style. That is when I tried extra vitamins and many other supplements
to help my back pain. I could not get thru the day without about 6-8 powerful
pain pills a day and could not work for more than an hour. I was not able to
sleep more than two hours at a time even with 2 sleeping pills.

Then you introduced me to Waiora Natural Cellular Defense and their Healthy
Aging Formula. As you said, put 2 drops on my tongue morning and night of Cellular
Defense and 2 tablets of Healthy Aging Formula with breakfast and 2 at evening
meal. I began to feel the difference in my body after about two weeks, I could
sleep longer, did not have as much pain and could work about 4-5 hours before
becoming tired.

I will never be remade to the age of 35 again but now as I can sleep and have
2-3 times the energy. I believe I can live with this. After my exam last week,
my personal physician, Dr Rimstad has lifted my 2 mile limit a trip one way
to a 100 and maybe after the next exam it will be unlimited. He has asked me
if I had found "The Fountain of Youth" and I said "Maybe Doc"
I will tell you my secret at my next exam.

P.S. I had lost all my desire for romance but now with the loss of pain and
the extra stamina, I think I could hold my own with any 40 year old female,
my ex-wife cannot believe it is the same guy that was in bed near death in July,

Too Bad for Her! Art Groth

A very close friend, Michelle, 33 from Los Angeles, has been suffering from
what is now been diagnosed as Fibromyalgia. Her symptoms were and are, joint
pain in various places, fatigue, exhaustion, and depression. She has tried everything
to get better. Massages, herbs, acupressure, acupuncture, glucosamine. Nothing
worked for her.

I finally got her to try NCD. She started taking it a little bit each day,
but not the recommended dosage. And she again had no relief of symptoms. I begged
her to give it the proper dosage. So she started on 15 drops, 3x a day. That
was about 2 1/2 weeks ago.

After the first week she started to feel ok, but had a bit of a red, flush feeling.
I told her to stick with it. Within one week, she started to feel great. Then
she ran out of the NCD, and noticed immediately that her symptoms returned.
She called me frantically on 11/7 to overnight her more NCD.

We got it to her within 2 days, and she was thrilled. It's about 8 days later,

she no longer has any joint pain, and can't remember the last time she felt
this good.

A funny thing has happened to me. My immune system has been extremely weak
the last couple of years. After age 65 It seemed I was getting my share and
every one else's share of colds and sore throats. When I noticed that National
Cellular Defense supported a healthy immune system I immediately starting taking
it as directed. Over the last three months of rain and unusual coldness in the
Pacific Northwest I have not come down with any cold or flu like symptom, even
though I have been in close contact with friends and grandchildren who had bad
colds, flu and upper respiratory problems. When I start feeling that something
is trying to grab me, I immediately drop three drops of NCD on my tongue, hold
for 10 seconds or more and swallow. And when I swallow my throat seems to immediately
react favorably to the drops. Although I take NCD three times a day, as suggested,
I sense that the bedtime dosage and early morning dosage is most effective for
me. As you know, I am quite skeptical by nature, but this stuff is all it's
cracked up to be.....

A Believer.....Bob Dilworth


My name is Brad Hall, I have been on the NCD for about 1 month now.. I have
had numerous medical problems in my life, and many suguries.. I was born with
spina bifida, and i was also born with 1 kidney.. I had a kidney transplant
in 1992 and then another in 2002..

Well i went in to the doctor about a month ago for a check up.. and blood work
is often a normal part of that visit.. well they took blood and also did a urine
test... it was found that my blood work was not good due to a urinary track
infection.. so the doc said this was not a good on my kidney!

Also he said that my cholestrol (spelling?) was high.. so he gave me a prescription
for the urinary infection AND for the cholestrol..he wanted to recheck my blood
in about a month...and I thought to myself ... there is NO WAY i could afford
these prescriptions.. and i think it was a few days later i got my drops....
when i got them i started taking 15 drops 3 times a day.. went through about
3 1/2 bottles in that month...

well ... last thursday i went and had the blood drawn again.. and 2 days later
the nurse that called said..." the prescriptions really worked .. you don`t
have an infection and your blood is the best I have seen in a very long time...
they were amazed!! I have a little secret that I didnt tell the nurse on that
call.... I DIDNT BUY THE PRESCRIPTIONS!! all i did was take the drops and it
drasticly change my health... WOW!! how did i ever live without these drops....
Brad Hall


My son Camron has been diagnosed as autistic since he was two year old and had
stopped talking at that time. Camron is now 6 years old and he is an affectionate,
smart, playful boy. However, he continued to have problems communicating, and
overall interacting with others. The school has been working with him and we
had made some progress. Camron had difficulty sitting for long periods of time
as well. He had also had stomach problems where he would not eat or become constipated
often. It is common in some autistic children to get a condition called leaky
gut and although we never had him diagnosed for this,

Camron was displaying some symptoms by having various stomach issues. We were
introduced to NCD through a friend and business associate, Don Groth. He told
us he had been using an all natural supplement that safely and effectively removes
toxins from the body and he wanted us to try it because it had worked so well
for him. I immediately thought of Camron because we knew that autism could be
caused by metals or toxins in the body and since we believed this to be the
case with Camron we decided to try it not just for ourselves but for Camron.
Since taking the NCD,( we started Camron on 6 drops 3 times a day), we have
been told that Camron can sit for 45 minutes to do class work, is talking more
and interacting more with others. He will repeat words back which is building
up his vocabulary. I can hardly keep up with the things he says now because
he is observing and imitating the things he sees others do.

As soon as he started taking the NCD, his eating habits automatically improved.
Camron has been known to be a pretty good eater so when he would not eat much
or not at all on a particular day, we knew that something was wrong Before he
would not really eat as much and even skip lunch at school sometimes. With the
NCD he has a healthy appetite again and no more stomach pains or problems. We
are so grateful to have been introduced to NCD.

Not only did Camron not have any bad reaction to it, it is odorless and tasteless
so we would put it in any drink or food without Camron knowing. This worked
out perfectly because Camron is very sensitive to certain food texture and will
not eat or drink anything that tastes "funny" to him. We really enjoy
the product and will continue to use it for the overall health of Camron and
our family.

Chester & Christine Green


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